Chichester Garden Machinery

Garden Machinery and Servicing in Sussex

Phone Number: 01243 773898

Countax Information & Gallery

At Chichester Garden Machinery, we intend to offer our customers a wide range of gardening tools from various manufacturers; Countax is one of the brands that we have in-store. Over the years, Countax has paved the path for garden tractors and ride-on lawnmowers in the industry. They are typically perceived as the preferred choice of equipment for those with paddocks, large lawns, orchards, and slopes.

These lawnmowers have been designed and manufactured to cut and collect your lawn turf, even in wet weather. They are incredibly versatile machines, offering a beautiful striped finish for your lawn. Not only are they used for mowing the lawn; however, they can also successfully tackle brambles and tall nettles that might be difficult to cultivate with other tools.

Countax provides excellent product quality, reliability, and high performance, which is why it is a manufacturer with such worldwide appeal. They are renowned for their ground-breaking engineering qualities, so we make a point to supply these products at our stores. Chichester Garden Machinery ensures customer satisfaction with great, high-quality equipment known for all the best reasons.

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01243 773898

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Chichester Garden Machinery
Spitalfield Lane
West Sussex
PO19 6SN

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